Healthy Being

your best self




Guiding you to thrive

Are you feeling stuck? In your job. In your relationship. In your friendships. In your health. In your life?

Do you feel anxious? Do you find yourself asking what the purpose of your life is if all you do is struggle, constantly seeking happiness, success or love but never seem to be any closer to achieving it?

You’re not alone. And there are answers.

I invite you to make a choice today. Allow me to mentor you towards a life you love.

Get to Know Me

Young Mother Working from Home

Are you going through separation or divorce? Or a single parent wanting to raise emotionally intelligent and resilient children?

After 14 years of marriage, that ended in divorce when our children were aged 4 and 10, I promised myself that I’d do whatever it took, whatever work I needed to do on myself, so I could be emotionally available for them. I don’t want them growing up feeling like they need to choose, or feeling guilty because they miss their father, or with the conditioning that divorced parents have to hate each other.

Reaching this place, for their mental and emotional well being, meant I needed to become conscious of, and work through my triggers, I needed to learn to master my emotions (don’t mistake this for burying them), and I need to be the example, to show them that with courage and love, for self and others, it is possible to choose to grow through adversity.

Listen to me speak about forgiveness.

My gut doesn't feel good

Are you struggling with gut issues? Or a constant feeling of being ‘unwell’. So many seemingly unrelated health issues can be attributed to an unbalance gut microbiome.

As early as age 8, I remember struggling with gut issues. It was first labelled ‘Spastic colon’ and I recall the pain being unbearable. At age 17, a doctor diagnosed me with IBS and categorised me as ‘a stressed person’. And that’s the identity I adopted.

My gut issues escalated and after my first baby I started struggling with hypoglycemia. I also struggled with sinusitis and bronchitis which resulted in repeated use of anti-biotics.

A gut microbiome test finally revealed severe dysbiosis (imbalance of good:bad bacteria) with one of the ‘bad’ culprits producing all the mucus! I then knew that the root cause of my dysbiosis, and all its associated health challenges, was stress.

I had to take a long, hard look at my life and make some serious changes.

Listen to me speak about Self Love

Listen to me speak about Labels

Magnifying Glass on Job Oppurtunity Employment

Have you been laid off? Did you come out the other side stronger, or did it extinguish your spark?

Losing a job isn’t just losing a job. It’s losing a sense of purpose, a sense of identity, it’s losing friendships and relationships with people you have spent more waking hours with than your family, especially pre the remote working evolution.

Whether you’re going through it now, or you’re already on the other side, did you take the time to process the enormity of the event?

I didn’t. My first lay off was incredibly traumatic, both by the way it was handled and by the fact that I was 6 months pregnant. The last thing I expected was to be back there three years later! And then a year after that too.

I am now in a space where I am grateful it happened because applying my learnings to my own experiences has given me the unique gift to help others.

Listen to me speak about Gratitude

Choose you.

Choose growth.

Is it your time to take the first step towards living a life you love? To start moving from surviving to thriving?

My personal mastery journey as completely transformed the way I live my life.

I don’t believe that people have to struggle, but I know it’s not a journey that can be travelled alone.

The answers are within you, and I feel compelled to help you find them.

What I Can Do for You





Create A Life You Love

Workbook and group check-ins

4 weeks








Elite Mentorship Forum

Online | Group or 1:1

8 weeks Foundation or

6 months Comprehensive


body, mind, soul, spirit




One-on-one mentorship

1:1 check-ins


Young woman loving life


"You have turned your life around in a way that you can pour into others. What is happening in my life is really because of you. I wanted to thank you for taking the time out to share. Thank you for inviting me on this journey and I’m very, very glad that I met you and that you are one of my people that add value to my life."

- Brenda

Question: ‘How are you?’

Answer: ‘Oh my word - one word - amazing !!’

‘It just feels as if everything is just flowing in the right direction or maybe it seems that way because I’m going with what is and accepting it all as it comes to me without focusing on trying to control everything and the outcome’

- Janine

I'd love to work with you.


Cape Town, South Africa


+27 83 680 4608

